basic reference Starting at


NOTE :  All drawings on the finished ref will be clean, some examples are only meant to be representations of my character designing skills, not a showcase of how a finished reference will look like. If you are looking for a cheaper price however, I will be happy to lower it down in exchange for more messy /sketchy drawings. For more pricing info regarding this, contact me with your order description.

Designs can be of original characters, animal versions of canon/fandom characters or original characters inspired by canon characters.

Price will go up depending on the details (complexity etc.)

A basic ref consists of JUST the fullbody, any other drawings or notes will be added with an additional fee based on the chart below. 

Product Price
fullbody (copy of the main drawing - other side if the design isn't symmetrical) €10+
fullbody (a new drawing, drawn from any angle to highlight the design in a specific area - belly, back, the other side etc. €30+
Headshot/Bust €15+
Any design notes, info, colour palettes etc. €5+ [fee applies only if i'm required to draw additional stuff (mouth ref, specially drawn/designed palette etc.) written notes can be added for free.]