By commissioning me , you are agreeing to the terms of service stated below.

Art & Animation TOS


Please write in a clear and nice manner, provide neat references if necassary. Any ill behaviour will not be tolerated and your commission will be canceled if it occurs. If you fail to follow the rules provided I have the right to decline your commission and be wary of your future contact.



All commissions must be paid in full upfront. I use Stripe as my payment processing service, which means you can use any payment type you wish, whether it be paypal, apple pay, card and more. The only currency i accept is Euro (€). To avoid any confusion with exchange rates, make sure to look into them before ordering.



WIPs might be given if I might need some confirmation or advice. I will always show the sketch first to make sure the pose/expression is fine with the commissioner.

My turnaround is usually around 2 weeks to a month. If anything important comes up that will make me unable to provide your finished order within that time i will be sure to let you know. I am always happy to update my customers on the progress of their order, all that's needed is a message asking for it.



I will do everything I can to make my customers happy, however after a commission is finished, only small changes are allowed to be made - Such as small colouring/marking changes.

Any great changes will come with an extra charge. Such as an outfit change, outfit addition or subtraction, background change or anything that makes me have to redraw it completely.

Clear references are incredibly helpful in avoidance of design mistakes.

I am willing to do changes/corrections throughout the process for free but be mindful that I will not tolerate constant requests that could've been made after the frst few passes.



I, the artist, hold every right to the produced drawing;

Therefore I'm allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to; Promote myself with in any place or site. To display it anywhere to my liking. Post it wherever I want.

The commissioner is allowed to; Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only. Claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself. Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to me.

The following is considered Copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially. (Meaning making money of it in any way) Taking Credit for the creation of the artwork. Removing any watermarks/signatures. Altering the artwork without my consent.

If you're looking to use my work commercially, reach out to me about it beforehand.

I forbid my work from being used as NFTs or to train AI generative models, as well as be modified by them.



I have the right to cancel and refund the money for your commission at any time, most often due to personal reasons.

The Client the right to cancel and ask for a refund as long as i'm not done with the lining phase of the commission. If that occurs I have the right to resell or reuse your unfinished commission (use it as a base for someone else or myself).

If the order has not been paid for yet the commissioner has the right to cancel the commission at any time.

Fraudulent chargebacks will be reported publically.


Adoptables TOS

Any previous policies that can be applied, will apply.



You are allowed to return your adoptable up to a week after purchase. With that you lose all ownership of the character along with any previous work attached to it.



You have all rights to tweaking the design of the adoptable or giving it extra perks/upgrades etc.



Although you currently own the character and design, i am still its original creator. Make sure to credit me on the character's page (ex. Toyhouse) or wherever it may apply. If you decide to stick with the reference sheet I drew, credit for the artwork is also due.



I usually accept payment only through stripe, however IF stated directly in the offer I am also willing to accept other characters designs and/or art.

After payment You will be provided with high quality versions of all art of the character, if any more than one apply.

If you own a Toyhouse account the character will also be transferred to your profile through the trading system.


Where can you contact me?

I am most active on Twitter so that's where it's best to reach me. If you do not have a twitter account, however, I can also be contacted through my business email mintleflower@gmail.com (or form below).

(If i don't seem to be answering your email, please do not hesitate to reach out to me about it through social media. Sometimes i may fall out of checking my business email when I get busy with school and i have some notification issues with my mail app on my phone as well. Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation!)


What to include in your inquiry?

+ A clear & readable ref sheet. (If there is more info that isn't included in the reference sheet, make sure to let me know and/or provide a quick sketch if needed.)

+ Information regarding the pose, expression and/or background.

+ Your email for the payment process. (an invoice from Stripe will be sent directly to your email. If no email is provided, I will simply give you the link to the payment page)

+ (optional but recommended) A few reference images/sketches regarding details such as: pose, expression and/or background.